New Federally Qualified Health Centers In Douglas and Josephine
Community clinics open in Douglas County (Open Door Clinic, which later becomes Umpqua Community Health Center) and Josephine County (Our Valley and Takelma Clinics, which later become Siskiyou Community Health Center).
First Healthy Start Grant
The first Southern Oregon Healthy Start program is implemented in Jackson County, and the grant assessment and planning phase begins.
Healthy Communities Grant
HCCSO receives first Healthy Communities Access Program Grant for $3.2 million, and hires first Executive Director.
Regional Health Equity Coalition
Five new program staff are hired, and Jackson County drops out of Healthy Start Grant. HCCSO secures Preconception Health Grant and participates in the Regional Health Equity Coalition.
Welcome Baby Shower Goes Virtual
Due to public health restrictions from the COVID pandemic, the annual Welcome Baby Shower shifted online in fall 2020. This expanded our ability to reach people in new and innovative ways, and increase access to resources the event offers. Working with the Perinatal Task Force, we introduced new themes for each Welcome Baby Shower celebration and welcomed families to participate in virtual demonstrations, learn about community supports, win prizes, and see daily tips and posts.