Fathers, Co-Parents, and Supporters

It takes a village to raise a child. And we want to help make sure all members of our Southern Oregon village have the resources they need to help raise the special babies and children in our lives. View the Father/Partner Resource Guide PDF

Fatherhood Resource Guide


Parent Education

Education Partner Parent Resources

“88% of Healthy Start mothers report supportive father and/or partner involvement with their child under 18 months old.”


– 2023 Benchmark Report

Infant Feeding

Infant Feeding Partner Parent Resources
Feeding your, or loved ones’, baby is a great way for you and the baby to bond! This works best when you and the baby are “skin-to-skin” which means that both your skin and the babys’ skin is touching. There are multiple benefits for the baby being skin-to-skin with you including, but not limited to: increased interest in eating, temperature regulation, and comfort for the baby.

Here are some local resources that can help you be more involved with feeding your baby. Feeding can be one of the best times to bond with your baby– for parents, family and partners.

WIC is an amazing resource that supports infant feeding and nutrition — and it isn’t just for mothers! Foster parents, guardians and single fathers who have custody of their children can also receive WIC services.

“Increasing knowledge is the first step to changing behaviors and helping fathers remain positively engaged in their children’s lives.​”


– National Library of Medicine

Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment

Mental Health Counseling Partner Parent Resources
Becoming a better person to support your family is a noble effort, and mental health and substance use go hand in hand. Your family deserves you at your best and most healthy, and you deserve it too. Your mental health is a large part of your overall health and requires the same amount of care.

Here are some local resources to help you overcome these hurdles in your life via group meetings, one-on-one support, or medically assisted treatment. They can also provide basic-needs support during your transition, so you have the tools you need to pursue a healthier and happier future.

“Father involvement is a key component in maintaining healthy families and communities. Children with positive male influences in their lives develop better friendships, achieve greater academic success, experience fewer behavioral problems, and have higher self-esteem.”


– National Library of Medicine
Legal Aid Partner Parent Resources
The legal system can be confusing and hard to navigate, especially when you’re giving your time to your new baby. Whether you’re facing a challenge related to family issues, child support, discrimination, employment law, or housing, there are resources in Southern Oregon that can help guide you along the way.