
What is Advocacy? Advocacy is sharing your story and educating elected officials and decision-makers about what’s happening in your community. Any person or organization can be an advocate for the social issues they care about most. When you raise your voice, you can help to shape the ways in which state and federal dollars are being used to make big-picture policy decisions in your area.

Advocacy isn’t lobbying or advertising, and anyone can speak up in support of an issue or cause to help define and direct the desired outcomes.

What is Health Equity?

Health Equity

Health equity is the ability for everyone to reach their full potential. Issues in our region surrounding equity and inclusion affect every layer of our community’s health. We know that advancing health equity in our state and throughout Southern Oregon requires removing substantial barriers to better health such as poverty, discrimination, poor work and living conditions, and limited access to education and housing.

Health equity is a big issue for Oregon. Throughout our state, there are organizations and agendas that are actively working to eliminate health gaps for underrepresented communities, and improve health outcomes for all Oregonians.

How You Can Take Action

Let your unique voice be heard! Anyone has the power to reach out to elected officials, and to share their viewpoints and experiences regarding the issues they care about most. If you’re ready to make change in your community, we encourage you to raise your voice and take action on the policies you believe in.

Advocacy Toolkit

Meet Your Leaders
Write Leaders
Engage with your Community